Saturday, July 29, 2006

Yesterday I found an army ant on one of my cacti, presumably drinking nectar. This may not sound strange (unless you are simply surprised that we have army ants in Arizona, as many people are). However this is kind of like finding a mountain lion eating grape popsicles. I'll see what Alex has to say about it.

It is pouring rain again. I went for a long walk in the desert this morning and it was green, beautiful, and creosote-scented. The hills were draped in mist and curtains of lightning-lit showers. It never got higher than about 80 - a tremendous relief after days 107 degree highs and sun so bright it bakes your retinas white. The ants were out and about, drinking cactus nectar. At the very top of a rocky hill we found leaf-cutter alates mating in a frantic, boiling column.

Next Monday I go to Japan.


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